BRIRins Holds Online Training September Horti Ceria by Theme of Organic Agriculture

September Horti Ceria : Pertanian Organik

BRI Research Institute - BRI Research Institute held the third edition of the September Horticulture Ceria Training with the theme "Horticulture" organic agriculture series. This webinar was attended by educative and experienced speakers in the field of horticulture. This webinar is organized to disseminate information and open wider insights about organic farming systems.

This webinar was opened with a speech by Drs. Djoko Sidik Pramono, MM as Chairman of the Masyarakat Pertanian Organik Indonesia (MAPORINA). In his speech, Mr. Djoko invited all participants and the people of Indonesia to eat organic food derived from organic plants. He also urged early on to cultivate plants organically.

Dr. Inti Pertiwi Nashwari as Director of Perlindungan Hortikultura also attended this webinar to give his speech.. Ibu Inti Pertiwi opened the training in the hope that this training activity can be a good moment to build good synergy.

BRI Research Institute presented Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sulaeman as a speakers who deliver material about organic agriculture. In his brief presentation, He explained how important organic farming is.

"The paradigm related to food has changed in a better direction, namely eating for health that was previously less realized by the community," said Prof. Ahmad Sulaeman.

There are 3 economic agricultural objectives presented in this training material, namely economic objectives, social goals, and ecological goals. These three goals are not only concerned with business, but also include common interests such as maintaining the environment, good management of livestock and crops, ecosystem balance, and other things.

Reporter: Dhea L, Editor: Misbah Ashari