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Indeks Bisnis UMKM BRI Q2-2022: UMKM Semakin Melesat

Indeks Bisnis UMKM BRI Q2-2022: UMKM Semakin ...

Survey dilakukan di 33 provinsi, dengan jumlah responden sebesar 7.056...

Survei Aktivitas Bisnis UMKM: Semakin pulih

Survei Aktivitas Bisnis UMKM: Semakin pulih

UMKM BRI kuartal I-2022 naik dari level 104,1 ke level 104,6

BRI Microfinance Outlook 2022: Boosting Economic Growth Trough Ultra Micro Empowerment

BRI Microfinance Outlook 2022: Boosting Econo...

Sri Mulyani memberikan apresiasi untuk BRI atas kinerjanya yang terus ...

LINKUMKM OUTLOOK 2022: Strengthening Indonesian MSMEs Up the Class

LINKUMKM OUTLOOK 2022: Strengthening Indonesi...

This activity is in line with the government's mission in spurring dig...

BRI Research Institute and LSP MFI make a Cooperation Agreement with BPR Kanti Bali

BRI Research Institute and LSP MFI make a Coo...

In cooperation with Competency Certification with BPR Kanti to strengt...

BRI Research Institute becomes Speaker at International Finance Conference in Bali

BRI Research Institute becomes Speaker at Int...

BRI Research Insitute became a Speaker at the Seminar "Strengthening F...

MSMEs Clever Digital Complement BRIncubator Series Goes To Campus Universitas Brawijaya

MSMEs Clever Digital Complement BRIncubator S...

Running the third edition of online with the theme BRIncubator Goes to...

Growing Entrepreneurial Spirit, BRI BRIncubator Degree Goes to Campus at 3 Renowned Univer

Growing Entrepreneurial Spirit, BRI BRIncubat...

BRIncubator Goes to Campus series that provides msme training and incu...

September Horti Ceria: High-Value Ornamental Plants

September Horti Ceria: High-Value Ornamental ...

September Horti Ceria: High-Value Ornamental Plants

BRIRins Holds Online Training September Horti Ceria by Theme of Organic Agriculture

BRIRins Holds Online Training September Horti...

BRIRins Holds Online Training September Horti Ceria with the Theme of ...

BRI Microfinance Outlook 2021: Adapting Trough Innovation & Synergy

BRI Microfinance Outlook 2021: Adapting Troug...

BRI Microfinance Outlook Berikan Solusi Keuangan UMKM

BRI Research Institute Holds Online Training for MSMEs to Survive the Pandemic Period

BRI Research Institute Holds Online Training ...

BRI Research Institute Holds Online Training for MSMEs to Survive the ...